About the film
Movie 43 is an American comedy/
anthology film that was released at the cinema on 25th January 2013
in the UK. Movie 43 has a run time of 90 minutes and is rated 15.
Two teenagers wanting to get
their own back on one of the boy’s little brother, they make up a video that is
supposedly the most dangerous on the internet. The little brother is a bit of a
genius and knows a hell of a lot about computers. By attempting to find the
banned ‘Movie 43’, a film which will supposedly result is the destruction of civilisation;
they end up finding a whole load of other short films which shouldn’t be
Some of the Cast
Hugh Jackman as Davis
Kate Winslet as Beth
Justin Long as Robin
Jason Sudeikis as Batman
Jimmy Bennett as Nathan
Chloe Grace Moretz as Amanda
Anna Faris as Vanessa
Chris Pratt as Jason
Emma Stone as Veronica
Johnny Knoxville as Pete
Seann William Scott as Brian
Gerard Butler as The Leprechaun
What I thought
Our version of the film revolves
around two teenage boys attempting to pull a prank on a younger boy, one of
their brothers. They plant the idea that they want to look for ‘Movie 43’, the
most dangerous video online. This leads to the boys watching a whole range of
other films which are either banned or just terrible, as in nobody should be
watching them. The other version of the film apparently is about a screenwriter
attempting to pitch his script to a film executive by telling him several of
the stories that would be in the film. This is where the short video clips come
in within that version.
It states in various places
online that the makers of this film had to trick actors into playing the parts.
I can now see why. Although this film does have a great cast, most of the
actors are wasted in such idiotic roles. For example, Oscar nominated Hugh
Jackman, recently in the amazing Les
Miserables, plays a guy with testicles growing out of his neck. While the
role is a bit silly and different in comparison, it does nothing for Jackman as
an actor. Apart from making him look stupid. Having a cast so big and with so
many big names only works really well if the script and the film’s idea is
good. The problem with this film is that neither the idea or the script were
anywhere near good so the actors who I know are normally great, were not.
This film is so bad that we both
said that if Kate hadn’t paid (I have a Cineworld Unlimited card), we both
would have wanted to walk out. Even though the film is only a short 90 minutes
long, it felt like it went on for forever. I had gotten pretty bored after only
about 10-15 minutes or so and because of this, sitting through the rest of the
film was a huge struggle for me. While I didn’t like the film at all, I can see
that teenage boys probably will. Most of the material is made to either make
you feel sick or extremely grossed out. While I didn’t find any of this
remotely funny, I know people that would love this kind of thing.
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