About the film
Frankenweenie is a Disney comedy-horror film that was directed by Tim Burton. The film is a remake of Tim Burton’s short film of the same name, and also based on the film Frankenstein and Mary Shelley’s book of the same name. Frankenweenie was released at the cinema on 17th October and it has a run time of 87 minutes. The film is rated PG due to scary images, thematic elements and action scenes.
Frankenweenie is a Disney comedy-horror film that was directed by Tim Burton. The film is a remake of Tim Burton’s short film of the same name, and also based on the film Frankenstein and Mary Shelley’s book of the same name. Frankenweenie was released at the cinema on 17th October and it has a run time of 87 minutes. The film is rated PG due to scary images, thematic elements and action scenes.
Victor Frankenstein is a young boy who loves science and making homemade videos. When his beloved dog Sparky dies in a car accident, the school’s science fair gives Victor the perfect chance to bring him back. By performing an experiment, Victor is able to bring Sparky back to life. However, other students manage to hear about this and want to bring their own pets back to life which ends up with monstrous results.
Victor Frankenstein is a young boy who loves science and making homemade videos. When his beloved dog Sparky dies in a car accident, the school’s science fair gives Victor the perfect chance to bring him back. By performing an experiment, Victor is able to bring Sparky back to life. However, other students manage to hear about this and want to bring their own pets back to life which ends up with monstrous results.

I’m not the biggest fan of animated films, especially not at the cinema. However, my flatmate always goes with me to see whatever I want so I said I would go with her to see this one. The cinema was filled with children which is not something I enjoy but I was determined to at least give this film a decent shot.
whole film is in black and white, which I wasn’t expecting but I really liked
this. It gave the film a big Halloween feel about it, which is perfect for this
time of year. I did think smaller children may not like this though as it is
something they’re not used to. The animations were really well done, keeping
with Tim Burton’s theme of characters. Some of the characters have really long
faces, weird bodies and all kinds of strange things about them but I loved
that. Each character is so different and they all stand out in comparison to
each other.
The beginning of the film was really entertaining, with us getting to
know all of the characters involved, especially Victor. As a character, I felt
so sorry for Victor as he didn’t have any friends. He pretty much stays inside
on his own or plays with his dog. The relationship between the two was very
special and it was a lovely thing for children to see. It also showed that dogs
are for life and not something to be seen as a toy etc. It was a really sad
moment when Sparky died which was made even more upsetting due to seeing the
relationship between the two characters.

Luckily, the film does get better again towards the end as there are a
lot of exciting things happening. Overall, the pacing of the plot was quite
strange and not done very well. Mixed in with the action is some humour which
lightens the mood of the film and makes it a little bit more entertaining and
not quite as scary for children. I almost forgot to mention, this film is
available in both 3D and 2D although I was not going to pay for the 3D version
so I cannot comment on how well this was done.
there were good parts to this film, it wasn’t great. Tim Burton seems to have
gone really downhill recently, especially with Dark Shadows. There were some
nice references to other horror films and books, especially Frankenstein (see
character’s names) but children will be too young to really appreciate with.
Frankenweenie is a fun Halloween film for children but it wasn’t really one for