Beastly is a 2011 film that is based on the book of the same name by
Alex Flinn. The book is also based on the classic story of Beauty and the
Beast. The film is rated 12A and has a run time of 86 minutes.
Kyle Kingston thinks (more like knows) he is God's gift at his high
school. He pretty much runs the school and can get away with pretty much
anything he wants. It also helps that his father is completely loaded. After
playing a prank on a goth at school, Kendra, it completely backfires. Kendra is
actually a witch and puts a spell on Kyle to teach him a lesson. He is
transformed into everything he hates, an ugly and repulsive guy. Kyle has a
specific amount of time to get someone to truly love him in the state that he
is now in.
If Kyle fails to get someone to fall in love with him, he will suffer
the fate of looking like a beast for all time!
What I thought
As a book, I loved Beastly. I had put off watching it due to being wary
about how it would change after being made into a film.
I have said before that I am not the greatest fan of Alex Pettyfer and
unfortunately, this film hasn't changed my view. While he does ok in the role,
he isn't anything spectacular. I actually don't think that this was as much
Pettyfer's fault as it was the filmmakers'. His character, Kyle, isn't given
the chance to shine and the film quickly goes into the beastly transformation.
If his character had more time to develop and show just how shallow and self
centered he was, Pettyfer would have had more to go on and to work with.
Instead, he is all about being the better man and I didn't really feel that he
was as shallow as he was supposed to be.
Vanessa Hudgens wasn't much better although she has come quite a long
way since her High School Musical days. I HATED her in those films but at least
now, she was barable. Hudgens plays Lindy, the girl who Kyle thinks can
possibly love him now that he's changed. To begin with, she was a squeaky
teenage girl who annoyed me from the begginning. There is also something about
her that makes her too sweet and innocent sounding, taking away the depth that
her character could have had. Again, this is an aspect of the film that wasn't
given enough time to develop. Lindy has massive family problems and this wasn't
showcased enough to make it seem as important as it actually was.
As much as I liked this film, I do have some problems with how big some
of the changes were compared to the book. Something that I really don't
understand about book to film conversions are why people's names get changed.
Ok, it was mainly only surnames and the name Kyle uses after he has changed but
why? Surely things like this don't really make that much of a difference do
they? One of the biggest changes though was how the beast was portrayed. In the
book, Kyle ends up with fur and fangs, keeping as close to the real story as
possible but in the film, he is covered in strange markings, tattoos and scars.
I did like that it gave this story a new lease of life but I would have
preferred for the film to have stayed closer to the book. For me, this was
something that was too big and important to change.
While this film wasn't perfect for me, it was still enjoyable. I think
the thing is, Beastly is a 12A and aimed at teenagers, rather than adults. With
this being said, I think teenagers will enjoy it a hell of a lot more than I,
and many others, did. Beastly is a light romantic film with a deeper message
that wasn't conveyed as well as it could have been. Something I will say to
anyone who hasn't already seen this film - if you want to, don't read the book
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