About the film
Les Misérables is a British
musical drama film that was released at the cinema on 11th January
2013. The film is based on the musical of the same name, and the book of the
same name by Victor Hugo. Les Misérables has a run time of 158 minutes and is
rated 12A.
In 1815, prisoner 24601, Jean
Valjean is granted parole after serving nineteen years for stealing some bread.
However, it doesn’t take him long to get back to his old ways of stealing when
a Bishop offers him food and shelter. After being caught, the Bishop once again
offers Jean Valjean a chance to start over, to live a better life and become a
better man. In order to do this though, he must break his parole conditions,
leading prison guard Javert on a chase to track him down.
Eight years later, Jean Valjean
has completely turned his life around. He is now the owner of a factory and
they mayor of a town. One of his workers, Fantine, is forced into a life of
prostitution to support her daughter being looked after by inn keepers
elsewhere. She comes into some trouble with the law herself and when Javert is
about to arrest her, Jean Valjean vows to look after her. Unfortunately though,
Fantine is sick and as she is dying, Jean Valjean promised to go and get her
daughter Cosette and take care of her.
Another nine years later, Cosette
is all grown up, living a life constantly on the run from Javert with Jean
Valjean. During a time where the poor are fighting back and the lead up to the
June Rebellion, young Marius Pontmercy sets his eyes on Cosette and realises
his life will never be the same, no matter the outcome of the battle to come.
What I thought
Although I have never read the
book nor seen the musical stage version of this story, Les Misérables was one
of the films that I was most looking forward to seeing this year, even with it
being released right at the beginning of the year.
Les Misérables is a slightly
different kind of musical film. In other musicals, the songs are pre-recorded
and the actors sing in a studio then mime while filming. However, where Les
Misérables differs is in the fact that all of the singing was done live. I
found this to be an extraordinary thing to be done as I have never heard of it
before. Knowing this before seeing the film, I did wonder about how well sung
the film would be and how it would affect actor’s performances. Also, there is
very little spoken throughout the film, maybe only a couple of lines. Because
of this, you are sitting through a 2 and a half hour film that is full of
Taking the main roles in Les
Misérables are Hugh Jackman as Jean Valjean and Russell Crowe as Javert. A lot
has been said about these two and their performances. While neither are
specifically known for their singing voices, they both do a fantastic job.
Crowe has been slightly slated in reviews for not having the best voice but I
actually really liked him. As Javert, he’s a mean kind of man who only does his
job. I think that Crowe’s singing voice really suited the character and even
though he wasn’t perfect, his gruff and deep voice made him seem even meaner to
me. I definitely don’t think that Crowe deserves the slating that he’s been
getting about his voice.
While I liked Crowe, Jackman was
fantastic. As Crowe’s character Javert was a very emotionless character, he
didn’t have to show too much in his performance and there is where he differs
from Jackman. Jean Valjean is an extremely emotional man in many ways and this
was something you could see on Jackman’s face throughout the film. Jackman also
has a wonderful voice and one which he is able to use well while acting at the
same time. I really liked Jean Valjean’s character as you were able to see so
many changes in him over the course of the film. You really get to see how much
he changes from his days serving a sentence to when he is the carer of Cosette.
The rest of the cast are also
mostly really good. I say mostly because this film did nothing to change my
hatred of Amanda Seyfried. As the grown up Cosette, Seyfried does okay but her
singing voice annoyed me so much. It was extremely high and shrill and I just
didn’t enjoy listening to her. Other memorable cast members include Helena
Bonham Carter as Madame Thénardier and Sacha Baron Cohen as Thénardier, her
husband. However, as good as she was, I think that Baron Cohen is risking
playing roles in which she will be stereotyped. Too often does she now play the
crazy and eccentric characters. However, saying that, she does do them well.
The stand-out performance for me
though was by Samantha Barks who plays Éponine. I read somewhere that Taylor
Swift was also up for this role but I am so glad British Barks got it instead.
As the girl pining for Marius Pontmercy, Barks is fantastic in her role. I
think part of what made her so good was the fact that she has played the same
role on the stage, although the characters are a little different. Éponine
sings one of my favourite songs of all time, ‘On My Own’ and Barks certainly
does it justice. Along with Hathaway’s performance of ‘I Dreamed a Dream’, this
was one of my favourite parts of the whole film.
The setting is also something
that needs to be mentioned. Although a film backed by a lot of money, this film
does not have a lavish and extravagant set. The setting calls for some dark,
dank and dingy settings showing just how bad some of the living conditions in
France were during the time the film is set. Still, the sets and backdrops were
fantastic throughout and it was a wonderful film to watch because of this. Even
though many of the scenes are set in quite depressing places, there is life and
colour injected into the film in small amounts in places which was a nice touch.
Les Misérables is by far one of
the best films I have seen in such a long time. With an amazing cast,
soundtrack and sets, this is probably the film to go and see at the cinema this
Fantastic review - I will so be buying the film. I'm also so glad Cameron and the other producers kept the film as a sing through (the live musical also has very little spoken dialogue).
ReplyDeleteAnd I love Sam Barks - I saw her in Oliver last month and she is a-ma-zing!