About the film
The Host is a
science fiction/ romance film that was released at the cinema on 29th
March. The film is based on the novel of the same name by Stephanie Meyer. The
Host has a rating of 12A and a run time of 125 minutes.
Set in the
future, an alien species called ‘Souls’ are taking over the human race. Once
entered inside a human body, their memories are erased completely and they
become part of a society who trusts each other and does not believe in murder.
However, some humans still survive and Melanie Stryder is on the run with her
boyfriend and younger brother. When Melanie is taken by a Seeker, and overtaken
by a ‘Soul’, she fights to keep her place in her own body. As a new member of
her society, the ‘Soul’ inhabiting Melanie’s body (called Wanderer) is supposed
to give information about Melanie’s human friends. As there are two voices
inside her head, Wanderer fights to decide on what is right. While she knows
she has a job to do, Melanie fights hard to save the ones she loves.
What I thought
Meyer is so well known for having written the Twilight Saga and for those
having become very popular films. The Host is Meyer’s book for adults although
not one I have read myself even though I bought it the day of release.
protagonist Melanie/ Wanderer is Saoirse Ronan, an unknown actress to me. I
thoroughly enjoyed Ronan’s performance throughout this film and I thought she
did a wonderful job considering it being quite a tricky role to play.
Throughout the film, Wanderer has to deal with Melanie’s voice in her head,
which obviously wouldn’t have really been there. Never did it look like Ronan
was thinking too much about who or what she was replying to and it all looked
as natural as it should have. Ronan also plays both characters with conviction
and she was very believable as each. What I really enjoyed about her
performance was that she was able to make both characters very different.
As the plot
follows Wanderer carrying out Melanie’s wishes of finding her boyfriend and little
brother, the setting changes from the city and the ‘Souls’ headquarters to
remote desert land. The difference in settings was really interesting as they
contrasted so much. Within the city, everything is very regimented and formal
whereas in the outback, it is so beautiful and remote, without the stress of
anything else going on. When Wanderer does find who she is looking for, they do
not treat her like she is Melanie but instead as a prisoner where again, the
stunning setting is used. Wanderer is kept underground, hidden away in a place
where people are self-sufficient. I enjoyed how this setting also went with the
‘Souls’ ideas of peace and tranquillity, even when the humans didn’t agree.
The plot isn’t
really all that exciting apart from a couple of moments so secondary characters
are what help to make this film good. Other ‘Souls’ such as the Seeker played
by Diane Kruger give the plot a good chase, with her trying to track down
Wanderer and more humans. The Seeker was an interesting character because you
can tell something is not quite right with her. She isn’t the same as the other
‘Souls’ and has a lot more fire inside of her. While others say to let Wanderer
be, she cannot let it go and goes to great lengths to find her again.
Then there
are the love interests. Melanie has a boyfriend called Jared but Wanderer
becomes attracted to another boy, Ian. While I think love triangles are
somewhat overdone now, I loved this one although I’m not sure it is technically
a triangle. Melanie gets mad at Wanderer for liking someone else other than her
own boyfriend but Wanderer wants to treat the body as her own while respecting
Melanie’s wishes at the same time. Explaining it is a little confusing but not
when you are watching the film. The romance aspect of this film was completely
new, unique and different and definitely better than other romance stories out
there at the minute.
Overall, I
really enjoyed The Host as it was different from everything else out there at
the minute. It also made me want to pick up the copy of the book that I have
had sitting on the shelf for years.
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