About the film
Evil Dead is
a 2013 horror film and the fourth film in the Evil Dead franchise. This film is
a both a remake and also a continuation of the series. Evil Dead has a run time
of 91 minutes and is rated 18.
A group of
five friends set out to spend some time in a cabin deep within the woods. One
of the girls, Mia, is a drug addict and the trip is supposed to help her with
her problem and get her clean. There to help out is Mia’s brother David, his
girlfriend Natalie and other friends Olivia and Eric. It quickly becomes clear
that Mia will go to any lengths to get away from the cabin and back to her bad habit.
However, while in the house, the gang come across the Book of the Dead and
unknowingly summon a demon which takes over Mia’s body. The demon will stop
through each person, one by one, until there is only one left to fight for
their life.
What I thought
It has been
such a long time since I saw a horror film at the cinema. This one instantly
jumped out to me and my flatmate and we were determined to go and scare
ourselves before the end of uni. Even the tagline for this film told us it
would be ‘the most terrifying film you will ever experience.’ I love it when
films say things like this because I always wonder whether or not they’re going
to be right.
Evil Dead
started off extremely well. Before we meet the main characters, we are shown a
lost and hurt girl in the middle of the woods. She’s obviously being followed
and is then captured. What I wasn’t expecting was for them to tie her to a
pillar of wood and for her own father to set her on fire. It is explained that
she is possessed by a demon and must be killed to free the poor girl’s soul. The
opening for this film was most definitely shocking and well filmed at the same
time. At this point, I thought I was going to be in for a great film and one
that I would really enjoy.
While in the
cabin, Eric, the geeky/ slightly less cool guy comes across the Book of the
Dead while trying to find where the gross smell is coming from. As seemingly
intelligent people, you would have thought a book covered in some kind of paper
and bound with barbed wire would scream out ‘Do not open’. But no, he stupidly
(and surprisingly) manages to find some pliers and opens up the crazy book.
Obviously, from here, all hell breaks loose and the film really begins.
Mia goes a
bit out of control, running away when things get rough and while out in the
woods, the demon possesses her. From here, I began to see this as a comedy film
rather than a horror. The demon comes in the form of a black, slimy vine and
possesses this poor girl through her lady parts. This part of the film was so
funny and I couldn’t help but laugh. My flatmate was sat cringing next to me
and hiding behind her cardigan. After seeing something like that, how could I possibly
take any of the rest of this film seriously? Mia quickly becomes even crazier
once back at the cabin in both her mind and her looks.
As I
explained in the synopsis, the demon starts with Mia and goes on to each of the
other characters. As it possesses their bodies, it finds new and extremely
gruesome ways for them to destroy their own body and also for them to die.
Although this was not scary… at all, it was particularly disgusting to watch.
At one point, a girl hacks away her own face starting from her mouth with a
rusty looking knife. While some of this was good in regards to gore etc, some
of it was still extremely funny. What was nice to see though was that no CGI
was used. It was nice to go back to old school horror film effects.
While the
effects were the best part of the film, the dialogue and plot were incredibly
bad. Throughout, the dialogue is extremely cheesy and quite cringe worthy at
times. The plot, although a remake, was weak and just did not make sense for
the whole part. As the demon gets through the characters, more is revealed
about how and why it was even possible for it to possess Mia. The background
and history of the demon was weak and unmemorable, with new things being thrown
in all over the place without much of an explanation. I would have loved for
the demon’s background to have been better described, rather than it basically
just being there.
Evil Dead was
so laughable and one of the funniest films I have seen in ages. That really is
no good thing considering the tag line and that it is supposed to be a horror
film. Unless you want a good laugh, I cannot recommend this film at all.
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